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If I become the most beautiful woman in the world .

Every human being has the advantages and disadvantages of each . There may be born with physical perfection is complete or there is also less , or some are having a beautiful face and ugly . Although it's pretty relative word people but we must realize that physical beauty is not to be lied to . Many people who have a beautiful face but also a lot of beautiful women is not worth looking. Dismissed that physical beauty is not only the capital of a beautiful face but also from the heart , nature and good behavior then that's my goal if it would become the most beautiful woman in the world .
Many things that make a person beautiful it practically . Some people regard it from a physical or pretty a person is considered beautiful , if she smiles . There is also a beautiful if a person has a body like the Spanish guitar . There is also a beautiful saying if he has a smooth white skin , but there is also a beautiful person say because he's smart . But whatever it is I think it's beautiful views of the heart from the face and behavior .
I think that pretty can be classified into two categories of gorgeous and beautiful in appearance from the heart . Her face is prettier than that just looks gorgeous from the outside side of the heart is beautiful while it looks beautiful not only on his face but also on the nature and behavior that reflects the softness of a woman . Because of his face could be seen pretty far-fetched , while beautiful of nature that reflects careful she is a real woman .
I want to be the prettiest woman in the world is not without reason , but I have a goal that can change the world and exalt the dignity of a woman . As for my goals if it would become the most beautiful woman in the world , namely :
First I will make an all-girls school . In this school I want to teach any woman to be a true woman . Woman who has a beautiful face and also has the perfect personality and educated both in character so as to produce an elegant woman , wise , smart and talented and can be taken into account quality and quantity . Because such women are real women .
Secondly I want to exalt the dignity and honor of a woman . Because as we all know now a lot of abuse and violence against women . Where - where many women are victims of sexual abuse both physical and inner traumatized by the disgraceful actions . Many young women serve as the outlet for that passion alone can destroy the hopes and their aspirations so that the dignity and honor of women merosotlah . When it should uphold her in honor and dignity .
Lastly, if I become the most beautiful woman I wanted to prove to the world that a woman can be a leader who is not only beautiful but capital can change the world are getting destroyed and damaged by human cruelty and the development of civilization with super advanced technology . So that women will be more in degree and proven to elevate the creature was not a weak woman but also can work and achievement . It was a real woman .
Therefore if I if I be the most beautiful woman in the world I would be a woman who is not only his looks , but also from the heart , nature and good behavior . Because a woman can uphold and admit if to prove his ability on the quality and quantity and the abuse of women can be eradicated and women can be leaders for changing times better . Because real women are women noble quality .



  1. Last bu not least, a girl has to love herself first. Deeply. Before she is loved by others :)


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