In a world that is increasingly sophisticated and modern human thought patterns also progressing and developing , both positive and negative impacts . As in everyday life look like real evidence that rapid acquisition of information and can be obtained anywhere with the help of the internet is a positive impact . While its negative impact such as juvenile delinquency , hedonistic and others. These negative impacts that could damage the nation's next generation of the nation's children are caught up in juvenile delinquency .

Here I summarize some negative impact effect of juvenile delinquency that I often encounter in the environment around me . As it is not entirely of it's own teenage self , but also the influence of the outside world .
First , due to the influence of a broken family . This is due to the lack of communication and attention from parents to their children or because they are usually the main cause of separation of parents is often called a broken home so many kids who are looking for fun sediri outside the family by choosing the wrong path and misleading . Because they influence the family is the main thing that causes juvenile delinquency .
Secondly , the influence of the environment is not good . In that sense , an unhealthy environment and have adverse effects on the character and behavior that lead to increased juvenile crime will be undertaken by the teenage children . Though the environment is a powerful influence in shaping the character and mindset of a teenager. Thus the bad environment cause the formation of bad teenage character anyway .
Thirdly , the influence of technology and the ease of abuse of easy information retrieval . With the ease of use of technology ( Internet ) anyone can find information easily and dilakukana anywhere. But this convenience even abused by men for the benefit and satisfaction of online gambling or simply like to watch porn videos that should not have been time for them to know . The Internet has two positive effects when used with positive but negative if it is used for negative things .
Latter due to the influence of others caused by the unreliability of religious faiths in adolescents have . As we know religions have always taught a good thing , but perhaps due to the lack of sufficient religious deepening mental and character firmly established teenagers . It is very unfortunate and a very deep keperihatinan for me .
Thus the influence of juvenile delinquency in my opinion is the very thing to note by any party be it the government or the community itself . Because after teenagers or young people is the successor to our nation . How can our nation want to progress and develop if the next generation is even destroyed due to the influence of the development of civilization and technology in one super advanced use. Thus the attention and support of all parties genarasi devastating for the nation's future so it does not fall into a destructive juvenile delinquency hopes and ideals of the nation and the adolescents themselves .
do this tasks in Nommensen university and angkot witht my friends until 8 pm
thanks for you all DEVI NOVITA , RINA ERNI , ANDREW ( DEVI'S SISTER ) , FRANSISKO, JUSUF AND OF COURSE to the sister who give us her laptop. thanks for everything.
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