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How to Less Our Emotion

            Every human in our life have a charactristic. Each  of them have the difrent charateristic too such as a person who like angry, soft, kind, honest etc. If we have the good character is very well. But if we have bad character is so bad . why i say tahat ? because every human who have bad chararter will cause many things that harm her/his self or the other. The small problem will be big if the person who has problem cannot control his/her emotion and if  it happen she/he will do bad thing like such us criminality, hurt others etc. It’s really so bad right ? all of people will hate us, no friends and we can not do anything without the others help. So how to less solve the problem to keep your relantionships with the others ? This is a tips for you all who like angry to less your emostion.
            First of all, you must be loving your life and be grateful what do you have now. It’s so important because without that you can not hold  out in this world. In your heart just there are  jealous, angry, anglophobe and grude. It’s really bad characters and you will get loss control easyly but then if you love everything who you have and precious of your life , you will be happy and there are things make you angry. It’s really help you to keep your emotion and certainly you will be happy everytime because many people will love you more.
            The second, you must be positive thingking and don’t be curious to the others esayly. Must you know that our mind is so sensitive and it can be wrong. Our logical is limited and we can not think something from one part but we must turn over in mind the other part. Our mind can traps us to the wrong decision like the imajination will look real if we only use our emotion. Beside that our felling  will alyways be careful and be curious to the people and it will make your around uncomfortable but if you always be positive thingking everything is gonna be ok and easy. You can enjoy to your activity without load and think far you must be positive thinking to help you to get good mood and felling.
            The third , getting good environment around your life. The charters someone will be form by their enviroment. If they have bad enviroment who like drugs or bad job, almost 70 % they will be like it but now we are adult right ? we can choose our character or change the bad character we have. The person who live the bad circle such a person who like angry and like loss control will be like that  . So choosing your good enviroment to get good character then you can keep your emotion everywhere with your situation and your condition.
            The fourth, back again to our religion, we know that each of relagion always teach us to do good something. And each of religions always teach how to forgive and tell us how beutiful our life if we are together without many problem. Religions is a good media to teach someone how to get good charater too . meanwhile you can keep your emotion from thereligion’s lesson.
            The fiveth, it is the step to you how to less your emostiom quickly. You can start use arithmetic or alphabet and the end it then you do that again until your emotion more good. It’s the general steps that usually human do to less their emotion but you must do in your heart. If the steps failed you must do that again and again until you forget your proble.
            The sixth, it took  a deep breath and then sigh until the last gasp. It is a good way to some people who like loss their control. It usually do by someone who never like something but he must do it. So just do that in some things.


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